Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Sa‘īd, Aḥmad (Mayor).
Landmarks - Lakes, River: Biʼr ‘Ūbā (Water well).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Agricultural products; Bread; Brides; Building practices; Children's games; Cooking; Dabkah; Dalʻūnā; Darabukka; Dietary practices; Domestic animals; Dwellings; Family structure; Farm animals; Farmers; Farming practices; Grooms; Harvesting; Hospitality; Intervillage relations; Invitations; Loggers; Means of transportation; Measurement units; Nawar; Peasants; Rural life; Stoves; Threshing; Water resources; Wedding celebration; Wedding customs; Wedding presents; Zaffah; ʻAlmā (Palestine)
Partial Transcript: Families: Sulaymān; Shaḥrūr; al-Mukhtār; al-‘Ajjāwī; al-Sa‘īd.
Significant Figures: al-Fāris, Sa‘īd (Village leader).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Arranged marriage; Chores; Dhabīḥah; Dowry; Flour mills; Folk tradition; Folktales; Jewish settlements; Money; Neighborhoods; Neighboring villages; Nostalgia; Peasants; Rural life; Safad (Palestine); Social norms; Socio-economic conditions; Stupidity; Swings of ʻĪd; Trade; Vehicles; Water resources; Wedding customs; Zaffah; ʻĪd celebrations
Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Sayf, Yūsuf (Martyr); Dirbās, Ammūn (Martyr).
Landmarks-Places of Worship: Jāmi‘ al-Ḥāj ‘Abdullāh (Mosque).
Landmarks - Lakes, River: Biʼr ‘Ūbā (Water well).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Atrocities of war; Bombardment; Brides; Cinemas; Circassians; Crimes against humanity; Daughters; Dispersion; Displacement; Economic hardship; Employment; Expulsion from Palestine; Fathers-in-law; Gangs; Hadar (Jewish settlement: Palestine); Haifa (Palestine); Home demolition; Housing; Hunger; Jaysh Shakīb Wahhāb; Land deeds; Land ownership; Landowners; Mass murder; Palestine Railways; Palestinian-Jewish relations; Personal belongings; Refugee experience; Resistance movements; Return; Routes; Shafā ʻAmrū (Palestine); Smuggling; Social relations; Suffering; Terrorism; Trucks; Wedding presents; Zionist Invasion of Palestine, 1948; ʻAlmā (Palestine)
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Bread; Child labour; Clothing and dresses; Condolences; Crops; Economic hardship; Farm animals; Haifa (Palestine); Humiliation; Intervillage relations; Living conditions; Money; Routes; Rural life; Social norms; Social relations; Socio-economic conditions; Trade; Urban life; Water resources; Women in agriculture; Ḥaṭṭah