Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Salīm, Kāmil (School principal).
Families: al-Afandī.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Abdullah, King of Jordan, 1882-1951; Agricultural products; British colonialism; Building practices; Children's games; Clothing and dresses; Dwellings; Education; Embroidery; Harvesting; Jerusalem (Palestine); Majd al-Kurūm (Palestine); Orchards; Peasants; Rural life; Schools; Sewing; Siblings; Women education; al-Ḥusaynī, Amīn, 1895-1975
Partial Transcript: Families: Mannā‘ah; al-Khalīl; ‘Alwān; al-Khaṭīb; al-Afandī; Shiḥādah.
Significant Figures: Salīm, Muḥammad (Mayor); Sarḥān, Ḥasan (Mayor); Fustuq, Maḥmūd (Trader).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Agricultural products; Akka (Palestine); Arranged marriage; Brides; Economic prosperity; Farm animals; Gold; Haifa (Palestine); Intervillage relations; Irrigation; Jaffa oranges; Marriage proposals; Mayors; Means of transportation; Olive trees; Orchards; Palestinian-Jewish relations; Social norms; Syria; Sūq; Traders; Trains
Partial Transcript: Landmarks-Places of Worship: Shaykh Ṭuʻmah (Maqām); Shaykh Sarrīs (Maqām).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Akka (Palestine); Childbirth; Dietary practices; Grooms; Haifa (Palestine); Herbal remedies; Mawlid; Religious belief; Revolutionary songs; Traditional medical proceduresl; Wedding celebration; Wedding presents; Wedding songs; al-Ḥusaynī, Amīn, 1895-1975; Ḥinnah
Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Bishir, ʻAbd (Revolutionary); al-ʻAbd, Rashīd (Singer).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Arab Revolt, 1936-1939; Arbitration; British authorities; British colonialism; Building practices; Coffeehouses; Dwellings; Entertainment; Folk poetry; Religious belief; Revolutionaries; Rural life; Sewing; Social relations; celebrations
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Arab Salvation Army; Arrest; Attacks; Burial; Defense; Guards; Home bombing; Martyrs; Military withdrawal; Religion; Resistance; Seeking shelter; Sisters; Weapon acquisition; Weapons confiscation; Zionist invasion of Palestine, 1948; al-Birwah (Palestine)