Interview with Laṭīfah Dīb مقابلة لطيفة ديب

American University of Beirut Palestinian Oral History Archives
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00:00:01 - Socio-economic conditions at ʻAkbarah

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Families: Maʻārī; Mukhtār.

Landmarks-Places of Worship: Shaykh ‘Alī (Maqām); Shaykh Salāmah (Maqām).

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Agricultural calendars; Agricultural products; Arbitration; Children's games; Circumcision; Dhabīḥah; Family structure; Intervillage relations; Land sale; Landowners; Marriage proposals; Mayors; Means of transportation; Medical care; Mourning; Muslims; Neighboring villages; Peasant workers; Religious belief; Safad (Palestine); Siblings; Trade; Water resources; Wedding celebration; Wedding songs; Women education; ʻAkbarah (Palestine); ʻĪd celebrations

00:22:49 - Political activity at ʻAkbarah during the British Mandate

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Ḥlayḥil, Ḥasan (Musician); al-Aḥmad, Muḥammad (Revolutionary); al-Nājī, Mūsà (Revolutionary); Abū Qāsim, Ḥayāt (Revolutionary); al-Ḥusaynī, Yūsuf (Revolutionary).

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Agricultural products; Folk songs; Harvesting; Jews; Musical instruments; Palestinian-Jewish relations; Revolutionaries; Revolutionary leadership; Water resources; Weapon acquisition; Worship

00:30:56 - British policy towards the villagers and revolutionists

Play segment

Partial Transcript:

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Arrest; British colonialism; Dispersion; Displacement.; Economic prosperity; Expulsion; House raid; Intervillage relations; Investigation; Killing; Martyrs; Massacres; Prisoners; Revolutionaries; Safad (Palestine); Seeking shelter; Shootings; Weapons; Zionist Invasion of Palestine, 1948; al-Ṣafṣāf Massacre, 1948

00:50:38 - Expulsion to Lebanon

Play segment

Partial Transcript:

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Aerial bombing; Arab Salvation Army; Child mortality; Crops; Displacement; Druzes; Economic prosperity; Expulsion from Palestine; Farm animals; Homeland; Hunger; International Committee of the International Committee of the Red Cross; Lebanon; Mass graves; Military withdrawal; Olive trees; Refugee camps conditions; Refugee experience; Return; Seeking shelter; Shootings; Suffering; Syrian Army; Weapons