Interview with Abū ʻUmar Salīm Khalīl al-Mūsá, Inʻām al-Yamānī, Aḥmad Ṭāhā Kāyid and Ḥusayn Suwayd

Biography: سجلت المقابلة أيضاّ مع حسين سويد، ذكر، ولد عام 1931 في صفد، فلسطين ويقيم في مخيم البداوي للاجئين الفلسطينيين، لبنان.
Interviewer: Swayd, Ḥasīb
Interviewee: al-Mūsá, Abū ʻUmar Salīm Khalīl
al-Yamānī, Inʻām
Suwayd, Ḥusayn
Ṭāhā Kāyid, Aḥmad
Place of Origin: Naḥf
In Collection: POHA, Al-Jana, Folktales Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: audio
Duration: 01:33:03
Language: Arabic
Interview Date: 1995-12
Permanent Link:
Table of Contents: Palestinian wedding songs and story of the old lady and her daughters in law. (@ 00:00:00)
Folk tale. (@ 00:22:56)
Story of al-Shāṭir Ḥasan I. (@ 00:41:2)
Story of al-Shāṭir Ḥasan II. (@ 01:05:10)
The tote bag of happiness and the fluent rooster. (@ 01:13:16)

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