Refugee Cultural HeritageDaily life in North Aleppo -Syria
Title Daily life in North Aleppo -Syria
Contributor Ḥāmmadī, Abdul Ḥannān
Editor Ma‘rūf, Walīd (interviewer)
Ḥassūn, Rawād (film maker)
Year(s) 2019-08-23
Type MovingImage
Duration 00:03:28
Rights Holder Swansea City Opera/AUB Libraries, All rights reserved.
Subject(s) Customs and traditions
Agricultural crops
Traditional costumes
Deir Hafer (District of Aleppo, Syria)
Collection Refugee Cultural Heritage
Note(s) Abdul Hannan Hammadi from Aleppo from the village of Deir Hafer, this estate is famous for agriculture of all kinds, such as lentils, sa'ir, olives, lintel and the peasant is famous for dressing Akal and Dashdasha and rehabilitation and welcome guest.
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