Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Building practices; Children; Death; Dwellings; Education; Exile; Expulsion from Palestine; Fathers; Heritage; Horses; Illiteracy; Intervillage relations; Land acquisition; Lebanon; Living conditions; Marriage; Mothers; Palestinian diaspora; Peasants; Public schools; Qaddītā (Palestine); Sharaf al-Dīn, ʻAbd al-Ḥusayn, 1873-1957; Siblings; Teachers; United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; Villages; Weather; Wives; Women education; World War, 1914-1918; al-Burj al-Shamālī (Palestinian refugee camp: Lebanon)
Partial Transcript: Families: Ḥlayḥil; Dakwar.
Landmarks - Lakes, River: Birkat Qaddītā (Water resource).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Ashkenazi Jews; Economic conditions; Employment; Farm animals; Hospitality; Illiteracy; Intervillage relations; Jewish immigrants; Jewish settlements; Jewish settlers; Landowners; Mayors; Military service; Mizrahi Jews; Neighboring villages; Official documents; Palestinian-Jewish relations; Qaddītā (Palestine); Water resources; World War, 1914-1918
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Boarding schools; British Mandate of Palestine, 1922-1948; Childhood memories; Children's games; Classrooms; Cost of living; Educational grants; Elderly people; Eldest child; Expulsion from Palestine; Folk songs; Herbal remedies; National anthem; Neighboring villages; Public schools; Qurʼānic teaching; Safad (Palestine); Shaykhs; Swimming; Weather; Wedding songs; World War, 1939-1945
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Animals; Arab Salvation Army; Armored vehicles; Attack; Bullets; Defense; Disappeared persons; Dispersion; Displacement; Ein Zeitim (Jewish settlement: Palestine); Explosions; Expulsion from Palestine; Guards; Harvesting time; Helpfulness; Home bombing; Military training; Mines; Mortars; Partition plan, 1947; Patrol; Refugee experience; Return; Rifles; Seeking shelter; Sūq; Tanks; Torture; Trenches; Weapon acquisition; Zionist Invasion of Palestine, 1948; Zionist occupation; ʻAyn al-Zaytūn Massacre, 1948
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Adaptation; Alienation; Bombings; Childhood; Churches; Coexistence; Ein Zeitim (Jewish settlement: Palestine); Elderly people; Emotions; Friendship; God; Hospitals; Interreligious relations; Invocation; Maronites; Martyrs; Mines; Nostalgia; Refugee experience; Refugees; Seeking shelter; Shootings; Socio-economic conditions; Students; Teachers; Zionist occupation; al-Ṣafṣāf Massacre, 1948
Partial Transcript: Landmarks, Cultural and Touristic Institutions: Damascus International Fair (Exhibition).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Antiques; Arab civilization; Arab nationalism; Blindness; Book reviews; Conduct of life; Currencies; Damascus (Syria); Depression; Documents; Exhibitions; Expulsion from Palestine; Handicrafts; Heritage; Homeland; Hope; Hospitality; Nakba; National identity; Palestinian diaspora; Palestinian resistance; Patriotism; Peasants; Refugee camps; Refugee experience; Return; Schools; Students; Teachers; Tools; Zionist occupation; al-Burj al-Shamālī (Palestinian refugee camp: Lebanon); Ḥarb al-Mukhayyamāt, 1985-1988
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Antiques; Charity; Children in armed conflicts; Cities and towns; Competitiveness; Currencies; Endowments; Exhibitions; Generosity; Handicrafts; Heritage; Heritage appropriation; Homeland; Interpersonal relations; Jewish national home; Jihād; Living conditions; Memoires; Oaths; Palestinian resistance; Patriotism; Pots; Refugee experience; Right of return; Suffering; Sūq; Talmud; Teachers; Trade; Traders; Vendors; Zionist occupation; Zionist propaganda
Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Zaʻrūrah, Abū 'Alī (Resistance fighter); Rāḍī, Sharīf (Resistance fighter).
Landmarks, Cultural and Touristic Institutions: Markaz Maʻrūf Saʻd al-Thaqāfī (Cultural center).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Antiques; Arab countries; Arab-Israeli conflict; Archival documents; Copper; Crosses; Culture; Currencies; Emotions; Endowments; Exhibitions; Friendship; Heritage appropriation; House keys; Interpersonal relations; Land deeds; Lebanese; Lebanon; Letters; Official documents; Patriotism; Refugee camps; Religious belief; Rosaries; Sūq; Theft; Tyre (Lebanon); al-Aṣbaḥ, ‘Abdullāh, 1910-1938; Ḥarb al-Mukhayyamāt, 1985-1988
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Antiques; Archival documents; Bracelets; Clothing and dresses; Coffee; Copper; Cross-stitch; Currencies; Embroidery; Entertainment; Exhibitions; Folklore; Governmental institutions; Heritage; Hospitality; Land deeds; Living conditions; Museums; Nakba; Necklaces; Official documents; Ottoman Rule of Palestine, 1876-1918; Palestinian diaspora; Peasants; Photographs; Pots; Pottery; Pre-Nakba life; Rings; Rug tapestry; Tobacco industry; Tools
Partial Transcript: Landmarks, Cultural and Touristic Institutions: Institute for Palestine Studies (Cultural center); Jāmi‘at Bi'r Zayt (University).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Antiques; Arabic proverbs; Book reviews; Cities and towns; Classification; Destruction; Documentation; Education; Exhibitions; Friendship; Heritage appropriation; Memory; Pre-Nakba life; Private libraries; Qaddītā (Palestine); Remapping national territories; Volunteers
Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Shūmān, Aḥmad (Leader); Nuwayhiḍ, Bayān (Professor).
Landmarks, Cultural and Touristic Institutions: Institute for Palestine Studies (Cultural center); Damascus international fair (Exhibition).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Benevolence; Books; Cities and towns; Construction; Exhibitions; Generations; Heritage appropriation; Media; Museums; Nakba; Namir, Rifʻat Ṣidqī; Newspapers; Palestinian diaspora; Palestinian resistance; Patriotism; Permits; Private libraries; Social associations
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Absentee property laws; Border crossing; Boundaries; Childhood memories; Dhabīḥah; Dietary practices; Dreams; Emotions; Expulsion from Palestine; Family reunification; Family structure; Fathers; Feasts; Heritage appropriation; Homeland; Hospitality; International Committee of the International Committee of the Red Cross; Invitations; Israeli colonization; Israeli occupation; Lebanon; Neighboring villages; Nostalgia; Official documents; Population resettlements; Qaddītā (Palestine); Return; Sisters; ʻAkbarah (Palestine)
Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Atanas, ʻAql (Priest); Ghaṭṭās, Ghaṭṭās (School principal); ‘Abdūshah, Laṭīf (Teacher).
Landmarks - Lakes, River: Birkat Qaddītā (Water resource).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Arabic proverbs; Childhood memories; Currencies; Education; Expulsion from Palestine; Family reunification; Friendship; Gifts; Heritage; Heritage appropriation; International Committee of the International Committee of the Red Cross; Interreligious relations; Intervillage relations; Living conditions; Nostalgia; Orchards; Palestinian diaspora; Social norms; Socio-economic conditions; Swimming; Teachers; Villages; al-Jish (Palestine); ʻAkbarah (Palestine)
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Brothers; Building stones; Cities and towns; Clothing and dresses; Conduct of life; Construction; Customs and traditions; Destruction; Elderly people; Emotions; Foreigners; Grandfathers; Graveyards; Home bombing; Infrastructure; Interpersonal relations; Israeli colonization; Jewish holidays; Marriage; Mizrahi Jews; Palestinian Jews; Palestinian diaspora; Palestinian-Jewish relations; Passing on memories; Photographs; Plantations; Qaddītā (Palestine); Reconstructed urban setting; Remapping; Sacred places; Safad (Palestine); Settler colonialism; Social relations; Trees; Wedding customs; Zionist colonization; al-Jish (Palestine)
Partial Transcript: Families: Ḥlayḥil.
Landmarks-Places of Worship: Masjid al-Aqṣá (Mosque).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Arabic language; Cities and towns; Classification; Currencies; Demographics; Destruction; Elderly people; Embroidery; Hebrew; Heritage; Intifada, 1987-1993; Israeli colonization; Land deeds; Land ownership; Manuscripts; Maqām; Olive trees; Palestinian diaspora; Photographs; Plants; Qaddītā (Palestine); Rabbis; Reconstructed urban setting; Religious belief; Remapping; Sabbath; Scouts; Settler colonialism; Sūq; Torah; Trees; Water wells
Partial Transcript: Landmarks, Cultural and Touristic Institutions: Sūq al-Khamīls fi Bi’r al-Sabʻ (Market).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Arabs; Bedouin women; Bedouins; British Mandate of Palestine, 1922-1948; Cities and towns; Coffee; Copper; Currencies; Deception; Embroidery; Folklore; Heritage; Heritage appropriation; Israeli colonization; Jerusalem (Palestine); Jews; Museums; Negev (Palestine); Sūq; Tel Aviv (Jewish settlement: Palestine); Theft; Trade
Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: ‘Arrāf, Shukrī (Writer).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Akka (Palestine); Antiques; Arab civilization; Book reviews; British Mandate of Palestine, 1922-1948; Cities and towns; Coffeehouses; Collaborationists; Currencies; Discrimination; Documentation; Druzes; Exile; Heritage; Home demolition; Imprisonment; Intelligence services; Intifada, 1987-1993; Islam; Israeli colonization; Israeli occupation; Jews; Photographs; Theft; Tools; Trade; Zionist propaganda; ʻAkbarah (Palestine)
Partial Transcript: Landmarks, Cultural and Touristic Institutions:Sūq al-Khamīls fi Bi’r al-Sabʻ (Market).
Landmarks-Places of Worship: Kanīsat al-Bishārah (Church).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Books; Border crossing; British Mandate of Palestine, 1922-1948; Confiscation; Culture; Currencies; Documents; Family reunification; Gifts; Handicrafts; Heritage appropriation; Home detention; Imprisonment; Interrogations; Islamic holidays; Israeli colonization; Jewish settlements; Nazareth (Palestine); Occupied territories; Palestinian diaspora; Patriotism; Penalties; Photographs; Prudence; Return; Sisters; Social relations; Sūq; Villages; West Bank (Palestine); Youth
Partial Transcript: Landmarks-Places of Worship: Masjid al-Aqṣá (Mosque); Masjid al- Ṣakhrah (Mosque).
Landmarks, Cultural and Touristic Institutions: Damascus International Fair (Exhibition).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Books; Children; Currencies; Discrimination; Dreams; Emotions; Exile; Farewell; Generations; Heritage; Homeland; Israeli colonization; Jerusalem (Palestine); Nostalgia; Palestinian diaspora; Passing on memories; Patriotism; Photographs; Qaddītā (Palestine); Return; Sisters; Sūq; Terrorism; West Bank (Palestine)