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00:00:00 - Love story of passed times

Play segment

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Daughters; Diseases; Disguise; Dolls; Fishermen; Gold; Hiding; Killing; Kings; Living conditions; Loggers; Love; Machination; Marital relations; Marriage; Medical doctors; Swords

00:09:05 - Ghoul story and fable

Play segment

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Animals; Beheading; Brothers; Cats; Cooking; Cultivation; Dispersion; Family reunification; Giants; Harvesting; Hunting; Intimidation; Loggers; Machination; Neighbors; Ogres

00:25:03 - Green Bird story and other stories

Play segment

Partial Transcript:

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Birds; Bread; Burial; Cats; Children; Chores; Conduct of life; Cows; Daughters; Dinners and dinning; Executions; Forgiveness; God's will; Gold; Imprisonment; Machination; Marital relations; Marriage; Marriage proposals; Mawlid; Neighbors; Riddles; Sons; Thieves

00:40:29 - Real story

Play segment

Partial Transcript:

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Akka (Palestine); Animals; Competitiveness; Divorce; Flatulence; Food; Forgiveness; Kurds; Machination; Marriage; Qabaḍāy; Traders; Wedding night