Partial Transcript: Landmarks - Lakes, River: ‘Ayn al-Dhahab (Water resource).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Agricultural calendars; Agricultural products; Border cities and towns; British Mandate of Palestine, 1922-1948; Courts; Dwellings; Economic conditions; Education; Gardens; Infirmaries; Irrigation; Landowners; Naturalization; Orchards; Police stations; Pre-Nakba geographical territories; Schools; Socio-economic conditions; Village leaders; al-Khālisah (Palestine)
Partial Transcript: Families: Sursuq; Salām; al-As‘ad; Fā‘ūr; Arslān.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Arab Revolt, 1936-1939; Arbitration; British Mandate of Palestine, 1922-1948; British police forces; Courts; Cowardice; Disputes; Feudalism; Hostility; Jewish settlements; Land sale; Palestinian Jews; Palestinian-Jewish relations; Telephone; Village siege
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Abdullah, King of Jordan, 1882-1951; Arab Salvation Army; Armies intervention; Bombardment; Bridges; British-Jewish relations; Compensation; Cowardice; Deception; Defense; Expulsion from Palestine; Guards; Injuries; Jewish settlements; News; Tanks; Uncles; Weapon trade; Weapons; Zionist Invasion of Palestine, 1948; al-Khāliṣah, Battle, 1948
Partial Transcript: Landmarks- Public Institutions: Iraqi Petroleum Company (Corporation).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Arab countries; Armies; Dispersion; Displacement; Emotions; Expulsion from Palestine; Fleas; Home bombing; House rent; International Committee of the International Committee of the Red Cross; Killing; Kings; Personal belongings; Refugee aid; Refugee camps; Refugee experience; Return; Socio-economic conditions; Syria; Thieves; Zionist occupation
Partial Transcript:
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Agricultural economics; Anti-Palestinian economic measures; Arab countries; Armies; Border cities and towns; British colonialism; Currency convertibility; Deception; Elections; Employment; Farm animals; Generations; Identity cards; Jordan River; Land deeds; Land sale; Lebanon; Mantaqat Imtiyāz al-Ḥūlah (Palestine); Nachmani, Yosef, 1891-1965; Nightmares; Palestinian diaspora; Religious belief; Rug tapestry; State of Israel; Topography; Traders; Truces; Water resources; al-Khālisah (Palestine); Ṣandūq al-Ummah (Jerusalem)