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Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Agricultural economics; Agricultural products; Anti-Palestinian economic measures; Arab countries; British Mandate of Palestine, 1922-1948; British policy; British-Jewish relations; Children's games; Education; Farmers; Farming practices; Husbands; Irrigation; Landowners; Mistreatment; Schools; Siblings; Village siege; al-Sumayrīyah (Palestine)
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Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Aerial bombing; Akka (Palestine); Arab countries; Bombardment; British authorities; Dayr Yāsīn Massacre, 1948; Displacement; Economic aid; Economic conditions; Food; Gunshots; Hiding; Imprisonment; Income; Martyrs; Mortars; Munaẓẓamat al-Taḥrīr al-Filasṭīnīyah; Neighborhoods; Psychological warfare; Qānā (Lebanon); Refugee camps; Return; Routes; Rulers; Surrender; Tarshīḥā (Palestine); Terrorism; Zionist Invasion of Palestine, 1948; Zionist occupation; Zionist propaganda
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Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Child mortality; Distress; Economic aid; Identity cards; Land deeds; Land sale; Landowners; Lebanese Government; Measles; Medical aid; Orchards; Rain; Refugee camps conditions; Respect; Return; United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; Work; al-Sumayrīyah (Palestine)