Interview with Hindīyah Ḥusayn مقابلة مع هندية حسين

American University of Beirut Palestinian Oral History Archives
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00:00:02 - Social life at Fārah

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Keywords: Agricultural products; Bint Jubayl (Lebanon); Bridal customs; Children's games; Clothing and dresses; Dairy products; Dietary practices; Dwellings; Embroidery; Farm animals; Farmers; Harvesting; Laborers; Marriage; Means of transportation; Neighboring villages; Palestinian-Jewish relations; Rural life; Siblings; Social norms; Sūq; Wedding celebration; Wedding songs; Women education

00:15:46 - War events

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Keywords: Aerial bombing; Bombings; Brutal treatment; Caves; Emotions; Expulsion from Palestine; House burning; Jews; Muslims; Refugee aid; Shootings; Village siege; Weather; Zionist occupation; Ṣalḥah Massacre, 1948

00:25:15 - Zionist invasion and the expulsion to Lebanon

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Keywords: Agricultural prosperity; Arab Salvation Army; Arrest; British authorities; Displacement; Expulsion from Palestine; Family income; Guards; Home demolition; Humiliation; Lebanon; Mayors; Nostalgia; Refugee aid; Refugee experience; Resistance; Return; United Nations Emergency Force; United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; Zionist Invasion of Palestine, 1948; al-Rashīdīyah (Palestinian refugee camp: Lebanon); Ṣalḥah Massacre, 1948