Interview with Hadīyah al-‘Abd ʻŪbayd مقابلة مع هدية العبد عبيد

American University of Beirut Palestinian Oral History Archives
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00:00:00 - Childhood, agriculture and everyday life

Play segment

Partial Transcript:

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Agricultural calendars; Agricultural land lease; Agricultural products; Childhood dreams; Childhood memories; Children's games; Dabkah; Dwellings; Friendship; Landowners; Olive trees; Peasants; Qurʼānic teaching; Siblings; Swings of ʻĪd; Thieves; Women in agriculture; al-Ghābisīyah (Palestine)

00:10:10 - Socio-economic dynamics in al-Ghābisīyah

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: al-Jalīl, Maḥmūd (Butcher); Abū Salīm, Muḥammad (Butcher); Rajab, Abū Muḥammad (Construction worker); al-Afandī, Yūsuf (Landowner).

Families: ʻAwaḍ; Ayyūb.

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Agricultural calendars; Agricultural products; Chores; Dietary practices; Flour mills; Friendship; Generosity; Intervillage relations; Markets; Olive Oil; Olive trees; Peasants; Professions; Socio-economic conditions; Water resources; Water wells; ʻAtābā

00:26:21 - Social life, customs and traditions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: al-Birjāwī, ʻAlī (Trader); Shiḥādah, Wardah (Trader); Ḥijāzī, Muṣṭafá (Village leader); Ḥijāzī, Abū Yāsīn (Village leader).

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Akka (Palestine); Buses; Carriages; Cost of living; Diseases; Honor Killing; Husbands; Marriage proposals; Mayors; Means of transportation; Medical care; Medical doctors; Mental health; Nuns; Prisoners; Social norms; Wedding dresses; Women dressmakers; al-Ghābisīyah (Palestine)

00:41:38 - Wedding Traditions

Play segment

Partial Transcript:

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Brides; Dalʻūnā; Darabukkas; Food; Grooms; Nostalgia; Wedding celebration; Wedding songs; Ḥinnah

01:02:22 - ‘Atābah : Missing Home and Loved Ones

Play segment

Partial Transcript:

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Dispersion; Emotions; Family reunification; Homeland; Loved ones; Sisters; Songs; al-Shaykh Dāwūd (Palestine); ʻAtābā

01:15:14 - Expulsion and refugee's life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Significant Figures: Ḥammūd, Aḥmad (Martyr); al-Ḥāj Khalīl, ‘Alī (Martyr).

Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Aerial bombing; Dayr Yāsīn Massacre, 1948; Defense; Displacement; Druzes; Emotions; Expulsion from Palestine; Guards; Honor; Martyrs; Newspapers; Psychological warfare; Refugee experience; Rifles; Zionist occupation; al-Ghābisīyah (Palestine); al-Kābrī Battle, 1948; ʻAtābā