Interview with Lāfī Fāris Ruḥaymah

Biography: The interview was recorded on May 20, 2004 with Lāfī Fāris Ruḥaymah, male, born in 1929 in al-Harrāwī, Palestine.
Interviewer: Mughrabī, Bushrá
Interviewee: Ruḥaymah, Lāfī Fāris
Place of Origin: al-Harrāwī
In Collection: POHA, Al-Nakba Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: video
Duration: 00:41:43
Language: Arabic
Interview Date: 2004-05-20
Permanent Link:
Significant Figures:
al-Muḥammad, Muṣṭafá (Mayor); Ḥmaydī, ʻAlī (Martyr); Zughayb, Muḥammad (Lebanese Army commander).
al-Naḥawī; al-Khaḍrā; al-Mīzārī.
Landmarks-Places of Worship:
al-Jishshī (Maqām).
Landmarks-Private Institutions:
Keren Kayemeth (Corporation).
Table of Contents: Childhood, social life, and tribal customs. (@ 00:00:08)
War events and Zionist occupation. (@ 00:27:40)
Expulsion from Palestine. (@ 00:34:34)
Table of Contents:
  • Childhood, social life, and tribal customs. (@ 0:08)
  • War events and Zionist occupation. (@ 27:40)
  • Expulsion from Palestine. (@ 34:34)