Interview with Yasīn Muṣṭafà al-Ḥāj

Biography: The interview was recorded on February 5, 2004 with Yasīn Muṣṭafà al-Ḥāj, male, born in 1924 in Kafr ʻAnān, Palestine. He worked as a policeman with the British authority during World War II.
Interviewer: al-Maṣrī, Muḥammad
Interviewee: al-Ḥāj, Yasīn Muṣṭafà
Place of Origin: Kafr ʻAnān
In Collection: POHA, Al-Nakba Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: video
Duration: 01:45:19
Language: Arabic
Interview Date: 2004-02-05
Permanent Link:
Significant Figures:
Dīmāsī, Khalīl (Teacher); Saʻd, Fūād (Landowner); al-Ḥallāq, Aḥmad (Leader); ‘Asfūr, Ḥannā (Lawyer); ʻAbdullāh, Kamāl (Poet); al-Ṣāliḥ, ʻAbdullāh (Poet); Mūsá, Jamīl (Policeman); Ṣāliḥ, Aḥmad (Resistance fighter); Ṭāhā, Ḥasan (Martyr); Ṭāhā, Fawwāz (Martyr); Louis, Ḥannā (Land broker); al-Kāyid, ‘Īsá (Martyr).
ʻAnnān; al-Aḥmad; Shuqayr; Manṣūr; Khashshān.
Landmarks-Places of Worship:
Abū Bayt (Maqām); Majid Qubbat al-Ṣakhrah (Mosque).
Table of Contents: Education and Economic conditions at Kafr ʻAnān. (@ 00:00:51)
Social life at the village. (@ 00:15:0)
Socio-economic life and employment. (@ 00:29:14)
Political conditions during the British rule and Zionist immigration. (@ 00:56:54)
The Zionist invasion and the expulsion to Lebanon. (@ 01:15:52)
Table of Contents:
  • Education and Economic conditions at Kafr ʻAnān. (@ 0:51)
  • Social life at the village. (@ 15:0)
  • Socio-economic life and employment . (@ 29:14)
  • Political conditions during the British rule and Zionist immigration . (@ 56:54)
  • The Zionist invasion and the expulsion to Lebanon . (@ 75:52)