Interview with Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Karīm Azzām

Biography: The interview was recorded with Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Karīm Azzām, male, born in 1924 in Ṣaffurīyah, Palestine and resides at-Minyah, Lebanon. He worked as a circumciser.
Interviewer: al-Maṣrī, Muḥammad
Interviewee: ‘Azzām, Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Karīm
Place of Origin: Ṣaffurīyah
In Collection: POHA, Al-Nakba Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: video
Duration: 01:23:01
Language: Arabic
Permanent Link:
Significant Figures:
‘Abd al-M‘uṭī, Muḥammad (Teacher); Mūsá, Yūsuf (School Principal); al-Ṭabarī, Muḥammad ‘Alī (Teacher); Fāyiq, Aḥmad (Teacher); Nʻanaʻah, Maḥmūd (Teacher); ‘Azzām, Ḥasan (Resistance fighter); al-ʻAlūṭī, Aḥmad (Mūadhin); Khāzin, Mūsá (Pharmacist); Abū Rādī, Ṭāhir (Trader); Abū Dabsah, Aḥmad (Trader); al-Najjār, Yaḥyá (Trader); al-Ḥiṭṭinī, Saʻīd (Poet); al-Ḥāj Yāsīn, ʻAbbās (Resistance fighter); ‘Abd al-Ghanī, Muḥammad (Martyr); al-Jarād, Sulaymān (Martyr); al-‘Abbās, ‘Abdullāh (Landowner); al-Salīm, Ṣāliḥ (Village leader); al-‘Uthmān, Maḥmūd (Village leader); al-Salīm, Ṣāliḥ (Mayor); Sulaymān, Muḥammad (Martyr); al-Tawbah, Ṣāliḥ (Resistance fighter); al-Ghizz, Abū Maḥmūd (Resistance fighter); ‘Abd al-Ghanī, Aḥmad (Resistance fighter); N‘anā‘ah, Maḥmūd (Resistance fighter); al-Tawbah, Aḥmad (Resistance fighter).
Sursuq; Sulaymān; al-Maw‘ad; al-Ghanāymah; al-Sa‘dīyah.
Landmarks-Places of Worship:
Kanīsat al-Bishārah (Church); al-Nabī Qābīl (Maqām); al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir (Maqām); Qubur al-Zuṭṭ (Maqām).
Table of Contents: Education and social dynamics in Ṣaffurīyah. (@ 00:00:13)
Community celebrations and traditions. (@ 00:26:8)
Political situation in Ṣaffurīyah during the British rule. (@ 00:43:31)
Social dynamics in Ṣaffurīyah. (@ 00:54:24)
Political dynamics during the Zionist occupation ant the expulsion to Lebanon. (@ 00:59:13)

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