Interview with Yūnus Maḥmūd Shaʻbān

Biography: The interview was recorded on April 9, 2003 with Yūnus Maḥmūd Shaʻbān, male, born in 1924 in Ḥiṭṭīn, Palestine. He was a policeman with the British Police Forces.
Interviewer: [Zaydān, Maḥmūd] [
Interviewee: Shaʻbān, Yūnus Maḥmūd
Place of Origin: Ḥiṭṭīn
In Collection: POHA, Al-Nakba Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: video
Duration: 02:02:33
Language: Arabic
Interview Date: 2003-04-09
Permanent Link:
Significant Figures:
Bolam, Simon (Policeman); Bellin, Ram (Policeman); Mughrabī, Abū ʻĀṭif (Revolutionary); Zaʻrūrah, Abū Maḥmūd (Revolutionary); al-Aṣbaḥ, Abū al-‘Abd (Revolutionary); Za‘rūrah, Abū Maḥmūd (Revolutionary leader); al-Yāsīn, Mifliḥ (Resistance fighter); al-Hind, Salīm (Resistance fighter); al-Rabāḥ, Aḥmad Qāsim (Mayor); Shaʻbān, Sulaymān Qaddūrah (Municipal council); ʻAzzām, Aḥmad Abū Rāḍī (Mayor); Shabāyṭah, Muḥammad Ibrāhīm (Municipal council); al-Rabāḥ, Ismāʻīl (Resistance fighter); Shabāyṭah, Saʻīd al-ʻAbd (Resistance fighter); al-Muhanná, Sulaymān (Resistance fighter); Shaʻbān, Yūnus Maḥmūd (Resistance fighter); Yāsīn, Muṣṭafá Aḥmad (Resistance fighter); Ibrāhīm, Ṣālih (Mayor); al-Ṣālih, Faḍl (Resistance fighter); Yūnus, al-ʻAbd (Policeman); Fnaysh, Sārī (Arab Salvation Army commander).
Landmarks-Places of Worship:
al-Munṭār (Maqām); al-Nabī Shu‘ayb (Maqām).
Table of Contents: Rebelling against the British authorities and escape. (@ 00:00:32)
Political conditions and activity during the Arab revolt. (@ 00:12:4)
Agriculture and Palestinian resistance. (@ 00:28:19)
Palestinian resistance. (@ 00:41:46)
Ḥiṭṭīn battle and village preparations. (@ 00:54:20)
Withdrawal from Ḥiṭṭīn and exodus to exile. (@ 01:13:53)
Arab Salvation Army withdrawal from Safad. (@ 01:42:8)
Nostalgia and hope of return. (@ 01:46:54)
Table of Contents:
  • Rebelling against the British authorities and escape . (@ 0:32)
  • Political conditions and activity during the Arab revolt. (@ 12:4)
  • Agriculture and Palestinian resistance. (@ 28:19)
  • Palestinian resistance . (@ 41:46)
  • Ḥiṭṭīn battle and village preparations . (@ 54:20)
  • Withdrawal from Ḥiṭṭīn and exodus to exile . (@ 73:53)
  • Arab Salvation Army withdrawal from Safad. (@ 102:8)
  • Nostalgia and hope of return . (@ 106:54)