Interview with Maḥmūd Aḥmad Shtaywī

Biography: The interview was recorded on May 3, 1997 with Maḥmūd Aḥmad Shtaywī, male, born in 1936 in Naḥf, Palestine and resides in Nahr al-Bārid Palestinian Refugee Camp, Lebanon.
Interviewer: al-Maṣrī, Muḥammad
Interviewee: Shtaywī, Maḥmūd Aḥmad
Place of Origin: Naḥf
In Collection: POHA, Al-Jana, Nakba Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: audio
Duration: 01:10:22
Language: Arabic
Interview Date: 1997-05-03
Permanent Link:
Significant Figures:
Naḥlah, Jamīl (Mayor); al-Dāhish, Jabr (Mayor); Shuqayr, Abū ʻAlī (Prisoner of war).
Landmarks-Public Institutions:
Madrasat Naḥf (School); Madrasat al-Rāmah (School).
Table of Contents: Early life and betrayal. (@ 00:00:00)
Expulsion from al-Rāmah and journey to exile. (@ 00:08:21)
Refugee experience and hardships in Lebanon. (@ 00:36:4)
Attempt at return to Palestine and rejection. (@ 00:43:10)
Communication with family relations in occupied Palestine. (@ 00:59:40)
Table of Contents:
  • Early life and betrayal . (@ 0:00)
  • Expulsion from al-Rāmah and journey to exile . (@ 8:21)
  • Refugee experience and hardships in Lebanon. (@ 36:4)
  • Attempt at return to Palestine and rejection. (@ 43:10)
  • Communication with family relations in occupied Palestine . (@ 59:40)