Interview with Jum‘ah Rizq al-Ḥāj Dāwūd

Biography: The interview was recorded on January 11, 1997 with Jum‘ah Rizq al-Ḥāj Dāwūd, male, born in 1925 in Akka, Palestine and resides in al-Baddāwī Palestinian Refugee Camp, Lebanon. He was a shoemaker.
Interviewer: Suwayd, Ḥasīb
Interviewee: al-Ḥāj Dāwūd, Jum‘ah Rizq
Place of Origin: Akka
In Collection: POHA, Al-Jana, Biographies Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: audio
Duration: 00:56:56
Language: Arabic
Interview Date: 1997-01-11
Permanent Link:
Significant Figures:
Abū al-Ḥudá, ‘Alī (School principal); al-Dāyah, Muḥammad (Teacher); al-‘Awaḍ, Rabāḥ (Revolutionary leader).
Landmarks-Places of Worship:
Jāmi‘ al-Jazzār (Mosque); al-Nabī Ṣāliḥ (Maqām); Jāmi‘ al-Raml (Mosque); Jāmi‘ al-Mīnā’ (Mosque).
Landmarks-Public Institutions:
al-Madrasah al-Aḥmadīyah (School).
Landmarks-Private Institutions:
al-Madrasah al-Waṭanīyah (School); Jam‘īyat al-Ṭaqm al-Ḥadīd (Association).
Landmarks-Cultural and Touristic Institutions:
Qahwat al-Jaramān (Coffeehouse); Qahwat al-Ṭaḥīn (Coffeehouse).
Landmarks-Lakes, Rivers:
al-Kābrī (Water resource); Jabal al-Layāth (Mountain).
Table of Contents: Childhood and cultural life in Akka. (@ 00:00:00)
History and cultural life in Pre-Nakba Akka. (@ 00:12:35)
Work in the shoe industry in Akka. (@ 00:29:19)
Political conditions during the Arab revolt, 1936-1939. (@ 00:34:21)
Betrayal, collaboration and expulsion from Palestine. (@ 00:42:19)

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