Copies of a big collection of Joumblatt’s photos were received (more than 7000) from al-Dar al-Taqaddumiyyah. The collection covers all stages of his life from childhood, youth, intellectual activities, travel and political leadership. A selection is presented on this page.
1 Jan 1925
Selected pictures of Kamal Joumblatt during his childhood and youth: dates are approximate.
Take a look1 Jan 1930
Kamal Joumblatt's academic achievements, including school and university official certificates, attestations, and transcripts.
Take a look13 May 1964
Selected photos of Kamal Joumblatt during his foreign visits/trips. Some of the photos' dates are approximate.
Take a look15 Aug 1976
Selected photos of Kamal Joumblatt during different phases of his political career.
Take a look